Business Meeting # 188


October 12, 2016    
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Dieppe City Hall
333 Acadie Ave, Dieppe, NB, E1A 1G9
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  1. Adoption of proposed Agenda
  2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
  3. Acknowledgment of Guest(s)
  4. Adoption of the September 14, 2016 Minutes of CRPA Business Meeting # 187
  5. Chair’s General Report – Councillor Charles R. Léger (5 min)
  6. Officer in Charge (OIC) Report – Supt. Paul Beauchesne (10 min)
  7. Business Arising:
    1. Finance Committee: Finance Report – Paul Van Iderstine, Committee Chair (5 min)
      1. Motion to publish the August 2016 Summary Financial Statement
    2. Quality of Policing Committee – Charles R. Léger, Committee Chair
    3. Governance Committee – Robert Smith, Committee Chair
      1. Composition of the CRPA Committees 2016-2017
    4. Recommendations from Private meetings (5 min):
      1. Adoption of the July 13, 2016 In Camera Minutes of the CRPA Business Meeting # 185 (item arising from the minutes)
      2. Adoption of the September 14, 2016 In Camera Minutes of the CRPA Business Meeting # 187
  8. New Business (15 min)
    1. Motion – Amended Minutes (item arising from the minutes)
  9. Enquiry whether any member of the public wishes to speak to an item on the Agenda (maximum of 5 minutes per speaker)
  10. Next Meetings
  11. Adjournment

Download the Agenda
Download the Minutes from this Meeting